10/09/07 - Latest News

Creatures of Middle-earth: Salamanders
Xoanon @ 2:09 pm EST
Vanessa "Saffron" Price, Online Community Representative for The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, writes: Also called “Efts” by the most learned of Scholars, Salamanders are fearsome creatures with a fiery breath and a lust for treasure. Salamanders are found in out-of-the-way places like the region of Evendim, and “out of the way” is just what the unprepared adventurer should get when faced with one of these descendants from dragon-kind!
Creatures of Middle-earth: Salamanders
10/03/07 - Latest News

Exploring Middle-earth – Tinnudir
Xoanon @ 12:45 pm EST
Vanessa "Saffron" Price, Online Community Representative for The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, writes: When travelling the shores of Lake Evendim, visit the island of Tinnudir and seek out the rangers standing guard over the ruins of Annúminas. Ever-vigilant, they keep the tombs of the kings safe from lowly tomb-robbers.
Exploring Middle-earth – Tinnudir
9/30/07 - Latest News

Tolkien's Virtual World Takes Off
Xoanon @ 11:28 am EST
Jeff Anderson is not a nerd. The 40-year-old chief executive of Westwood (Mass.) video game developer Turbine is six feet tall, with the frame of an NFL linebacker. Nevertheless, he presides over a vast and rapidly growing virtual world of elves, orcs, dragons, and hobbits. In April, Anderson's company took the wraps off the Lord of the Rings Online, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for PC, based on J.R.R. Tolkien's classic books. The explosive growth of the game—players have created some 4 million unique characters in just five months—has vaulted the company into the top tier of online game design companies and made it the largest privately held developer of massively multiplayer games in the U.S.
Tolkien's Virtual World Takes Off Discuss
9/25/07 - Latest News

Exploring Middle-earth – Whitfurrows
Xoanon @ 1:47 pm EST
Vanessa "Saffron" Price, Online Community Representative for The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, writes: On your next visit to the Shire, be sure to tour the quiet and charming village of Whitfurrows. In true Hobbit fashion, it’s a pleasant place to meet and share tales (and second and third breakfasts!).
Exploring Middle-earth – Whitfurrows Discuss
9/13/07 - Latest News

Exploring Middle-earth – Garth Agarwen
Xoanon @ 12:16 pm EST
Vanessa "Saffron" Price, Online Community Representative for The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, writes: Tour the ruins of an ancient Rhudaurian fortress, now known as Garth Agarwen and learn what happened to this once-beautiful land of streams and rivers. [More]
8/29/07 - Latest News

Xoanon @ 5:44 pm EST
Turbine launches 7-day Free Trial Program for the Hottest MMO of the YearWESTWOOD, MA -- August 29, 2007 -- Turbine, Inc. has launched the official 7-day free trial of The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™ (LOTRO). Beginning today, fans in North America, Australia and New Zealand can play the best online game for free by visiting trial.lotro.com. LOTRO has received critical acclaim from around the globe. Since its launch in April, LOTRO has quickly become the second largest MMORPG with an estimated 4 million characters calling Middle-earth their home. The game continues to grow with two massive updates that have increased the world by over 20%:
- 10,000,000 square meters of new landscape to explore
- Over 200 new quests that extend the epic story
- Introduction of Legendary Play where players can experience PvP as a powerful Ranger or a fearsome Troll
- New and updated features including the Reputation, Bartering and Music systems
“We have surpassed our goal of combining the greatest fantasy of all time with a state-of-the-art online social experience,” said Jeffrey Anderson, CEO of Turbine, Inc. “And now we want everyone to have the opportunity to walk through the Shire, climb the Misty Mountains, fight with their own fellowship in the War of the Ring and fully experience the greatest fantasy of all time.” Eligible fans can participate in The Lord of the Rings Online trial program and play the game for 7 days free of charge. At the end of the trial, players will have the option of continuing to play LOTRO, and to keep the characters created during their 7-day free trial time, by purchasing the game either online or at retail. To participate in the 7-day free trial or to find out where to buy LOTRO, visit trial.lotro.com. The Lord of the Rings Online delivers an interactive experience brimming with life and filled with the familiar people, places and monsters from the most beloved fantasy adventure of all time. From the quaint surroundings of the Shire to Angmar, the vile kingdom of the Witch-king, players will experience the world of Middle-earth as never before. The Lord of the Rings Online is available for purchase at major retailers across North America. For more information about The Lord of the Rings Online, please visit www.lotro.com. About Turbine Turbine, Inc. is a premier developer, publisher and operator of online entertainment and is headquartered in Westwood, Massachusetts. The company is one of the largest privately-held online games companies in North America. Turbine’s catalog includes some of the most famous online entertainment brands, including Asheron’s Call®, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE™: Stormreach™, and The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™. For more information on Turbine, its products and services please visit www.turbine.com.
8/20/07 - Latest News

Turbine Releases Second Content Update to LOTR Online
Xoanon @ 8:07 pm EST
TURBINE releases BOOK 10: THE CITY OF THE KINGS FOR THE LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE™WESTWOOD, MA – August 20, 2007 - Today, Turbine, Inc. released the second free update for subscribers to The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™. Book 10: The City of the Kings, the second of many planned free updates to the world of Middle-earth, continues the epic story, adds over 100 new quests, implements significant enhancements to monster play and introduces the Reputation and Bartering systems. Amarthiel, introduced in Book 9: Shores of Evendim, has reclaimed the palantir of Carn Dûm and is now seeking to make Annúminas her new seat of power as she searches for her lost ring of power: Narchuil. The Dúnedain stand against her as the Rangers mount a last, desperate attempt to wrest the palantir from Amarthiel. Before she can find Narchuil, a most dangerous opportunity presents itself that may give the Dúnedain the advantage they need to blind the eye of Angmar. Beginning today, heroes can adventure to The City of the Kings in The Lord of the Rings Online. The Lord of the Rings Online delivers an interactive experience brimming with life and filled with the familiar people, places and monsters from the most beloved fantasy adventure of all time. From the quaint surroundings of the Shire to Angmar, the vile kingdom of the Witch-king, players will experience the world of Middle-earth as never before. The Lord of the Rings Online is now available for purchase at major retailers across North America and Europe. For more information about The Lord of the Rings Online, please visit www.lotro.com.
8/18/07 - Latest News

LOTRO Book 10: The City of Kings Patch Notes Now Available!
Xoanon @ 9:25 pm EST
Meghan S. Rodberg, Online Community Manager for The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, writes: Don't forget, Book 10: The City of the Kings goes live on Monday, August 20th! Our servers will be down from 7:00AM - 2:00PM to apply the update. Players can pre-patch their games by downloading our new downloadable update (from Book 9 to Book 10) - more info here (please note that this updater is for the North American/Oceania client only and will not patch the EU client!).